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Showing posts from December, 2014

Using a cheap USB Controller on the OUYA (Must be Rooted!)

Back in 2013, I came across an open source gaming console called the OUYA. I bought it as soon as possible because not only was it cheap, but there was unlimited possibilities one can do on the OUYA. To be frank, I bought the console primarily as a means of emulation purposes. So I also ordered two USB NES Controllers on Amazon cheap (like $10). Unfortunately, the console won't recognize the controllers I bought which was a huge dissapointment. Up until now, I played my NES emulator using the OUYA controller which was ok, but I wanted an even close experience in retro gaming which was to use the correct controller. I don't know why is took me almost an year before I figured it our but  now   I present to you, how to map the keys of a cheap USB Controller on the OUYA.  Instructions Your OUYA must be rooted in order for this to work Hook up your USB Controller onto the OUYA Sideload the app, "usb/bt joystick center" on the OUYA and launch it (If you don't know...